Final Report of the COST-247 Action |
Performance measures of Estelle specifications
M. Hendaz
Institut National des Telecommunications (INT) |
Les Epinettes |
9, rue Charles Fourier |
91011 EVRY cedex |
The traditional approach consisting in using separately FDTs for specification, verification, and validation, and stochastic models for performance evaluation is no longer of great interest in protocols engineering research. A new trend is now growing towards the merging of the two formalisms to provide a complete environment for communication systems development. We present an approach in which performance analysis is conducted on Estelle specifications with annotated quantitative concepts. The potential power of our approach is then demonstrated by an XTP protocol performance analysis.
This presentation has been given during the COST-247 3rd Management Committee Meeting (Evry, France, September 19--20, 1994).
COST-247 Working Group(s): 4
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This Page was prepared by Mark Jorgensen.