Final Report of the COST-247 Action |
The Modeling and Analysis of Frame Synchronized Ring with Predicate/Transition Nets
Tino Pyssysalo
Computer Engineering Laboratory |
Department of Electrical Engineering |
University of Oulu |
P.O. Box 444 |
FIN-90571 Oulu, Finland |
tel: +358-8-553 2701 |
fax: +358-8-553 2612 |
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The Frame Synchronized Ring (FSR) is a high speed interconnection network (up to 1.6 Gbps and more) developed for a wide range of real-time switching applications in Technical Research Centre of Finalnd (VTT). Examples of such applications are components of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks, high throughput local area networks (LAN) and the distribution of Video on Demand (VOD) services. The high throughput of the FSR is due to an effective distributed medium access control (MAC) mechanism. Some interesting properties of the MAC (e.g. the deadlock freeness, the fairness and maximal worst case waiting sequences) have been extensively analyzed with analytical models and simulations. In this work we use prdecate/transition net formalism (Pr/T-nets) in the modeling and analysis of the FSR. We prove the properties listed above with the Pr/T-net reachability analysis tool, PROD. In addition, we show how the state space of the reachability graph can be reduced by integrating the internal operations of the MAC into as few transitions as possible.
This presentation has been given during the COST-247 4th Management Committee Meeting (Berlin, Germany, February 9--10, 1995).
COST-247 Working Group(s): 2
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This Page was prepared by Mark Jorgensen.