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Final Report of the COST-247 Action

TE-LOLA: A Time Extended LOLA prototype

David Larrabeiti, Gualberto Rabay Filho1

Dept. Ingenieria de Sistemas Telematicos
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
ETSI Telecomunicacion
E-28040 Madrid
Tel: +34 1 5495700 Ext 375 (Larrabeiti) Ext 442 (Rabay)
fax: +34 1 3367333
E-mail: ,


TE-LOTOS (Time Extended LOTOS) is the current ISO proposal for extending Standard LOTOS with quantitative time. Real time features were introduced by defining timed events which should happens in concrete instants of time. LOLA (LOTOS LAboratory) is a Full Standard LOTOS exploration and analysis tool which is one of the components of the DIT/UPM LOTOS Tool Set TOPO. TE-LOLA is a LOLA-based prototype that supports TE-LOTOS. The current version runs on SunOS 4.1.3 and Solaris 2.3 but portability to other platforms is straightforward. TE-LOLA has almost the same functionality as LOLA, supporting the following transformations: Expansion (EFSM generation), Parameterized Expansion, Interleaved Expansion, Timed Testing and Timed Simulation/Debugging.

This presentation has been given during the COST-247 International Workshop on Applied Formal Methods in System Design (Maribor, Slovenia, June 17--19, 1996).

COST-247 Working Group(s): 1-2

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1 On leave from TELEBRAS, Brasil

This Page was prepared by Mark Jorgensen.

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