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- [Languages:] French: Mother tongue.
English: Redaction of scientific and technical reports,
participation in international working groups.
- [Computer Systems:] 68000 assembly,
Pascal, C, Lisp, Fortran, HTML, PostScript, Perl, Unix shells,
Lex/Yacc, MS-DOS, Windows-NT 4.0, Mac-OS, Unix.
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- [1998:] Expert engineer for the action Vasy from the GIE Dyade
(joint cooperation between INRIA and Bull).
Developpements in C of tools for transition systems manipulations and
developpement of a command compiler using the
Syntax/Fnc2 compiler compiler from
INRIA, on Sun Solaris and Linux PCs.
- [1995-97 :] Set up of a Web server for the European project
ECVnet. Developpement in C, Perl,
Unix shell and HTML on Silicon Graphics workstations.
- [1994-96 :] Applications migration from a custom made
real time configuration to Silicon Graphics workstations and server,
within a virtual reality project done at
ACROE. Developpements in C, X-lib and Motif
of applications for animation synthesis and musical conception.
- [1989-95 :] Realisation of the integration vision system
"SAVA" for the European projects BRA 3038 'VAP 1'
(1989-92) and BRA 7108 'VAP 2' (1992-95).
Developpements in C, Clips, Unix shell, X-lib and Motif.
- [1989-97 :] Software and hardware maintenance of a
heterogeneous network composed of Sun-3, Sparc and Silicon Graphics
workstaions and PCs and Macintoshes.
- [1988-89 :] Engineer for the
ITMI company.
Developpement of a method for visual token tracking yielding
a hardware implementation within the European project
Esprit P-940 in collaboration with INRIA.
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- [Sports :] Ski, Ski mountainering,
Scuba diving, Bicycling, Mountainering.
- [Miscellaneous :] Photography, Music (Saxophone).