Kleene Plus Closure of Regular Grammars


Given regular grammar G, we would like to construct a regular grammar G' such that L(G') = (L(G))+:

  1. remove from the language described by G (see the relevant section), thereby removing all -productions from the grammar;
  2. for every rule in the form Aa (A being a non-terminal and a a single terminal), we add the rule AaS, where S is the start symbol of G;
  3. if S was originally in the productions of G, we add to the language generated by the grammar (see the relevant section)


Give a regular grammar recognising the Kleene plus closure of the language recognised by the following grammar:

S aA | bB
A aA | a |
B c | bS |

where S is the start symbol.

  1. Remove from the language:

    S a | b | aA | bB
    A aA | a
    B c | bS

    where S is the start symbol.

    Note that was not in the language, but the procedure removes the undesirable -productions in the grammar.

  2. For every rule in the form Aa (A being a non-terminal and a a single terminal), we add the rule AaS:

    S a | aS | b | bS | aA | bB
    A aA | a | aS
    B c | cS | bS

    where S is the start symbol.

  3. Since the language did not contain the empty string (since S was not in the grammar), we are done.


Construct regular grammars which recognise the Kleene plus closure of the languages described using the following regular grammars:

  1. G = < { a, b, c },
    { S, A, B, C },
    { S aA | bC,
    A aA | bB | ,
    B bB | b | ,
    C cB | cC | },
    S >
  2. G = < { a, b, c },
    { S, A, B, C },
    { S aA | bC | ,
    A aA | aS,
    B b,
    C cB | cS },
    S >
  3. G = < { a, b, c },
    { S, A, B, C },
    { S aA | bC | ,
    A aA | aS,
    B b,
    C cB | cS },
    S >
  4. G = < { a, b },
    { S, A },
    {S aA | bS,
    A },
    S >
  5. G = < { a },
    { S },
    { S},
    S >