Irina Smarandache's List of Publications

  • Book chapters:
  • T. Gautier P. Le Guernic P. Quinton S. Rajopadhye,  T. Risset, I. Smarandache Le projet CAIRN: vers la conception d'architectures à partir de SIGNAL et ALPHA, C.T.I. COMETE, CODESIGN Conception conjointe logiciel-matériel, pp. 147-169, Collection Technique et Scientifique des Télécommunications, Ed. Eyrolles, Paris, 1998.
  • Refereed articles in international journal:
  •  I. Smarandache, N. Nissanke  Applicability of SIGNAL in Safety Critical System Development , IEE Proceedings - Software Engineering on Real-Time Systems, April 1999, pp. 86-95.
  • Refereed articles at international conferences:
  • I. Smarandache, T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic Validation of Mixed SIGNAL-ALPHA Real-Time Systems through Affine Calculus on Clock Synchronisation Constraints, Proceedings of the World Congress on Formal Methods in Development of Computing System (FM'99),  Toulouse, France, October 1999, Springer Verlag, LNCS 1709, pp. 1364-1383.

    I. Smarandache, P. Le Guernic Affine Transformations in SIGNAL and Their Applications in the Specification and Validation of Real-Time Systems, Transformation-Based Reactive Systems Development, Proceedings of the 4th International AMAST Workshop on Real-Time Systems and Concurrent and Distributed Software, Spain, May 1997, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 1231, pp. 233-247.

    E.-G. Talbi, T. Muntean, I. Smarandache - Hybridation des algorithmes génétiques parallèles avec la recherche Tabou, Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Artificial Evolution, Toulouse, September 1994,  Ed. Cépadués, pp. 85-90.

  • Refereed articles at national conferences and workshops:
  • T. Gautier, P. Le Guernic, P. Quinton, S. Rajopadhye, T. Rissetv, I. Smarandache- Le projet CAIRN: vers la conception d'architectures à partir de SIGNAL et ALPHA, Proceedings of the ``Séminaires Action Scientifique - Codesign'', Grenoble, November 1996.
  • Technical reports and theses:
  • I. Smarandache, N. Nissanke, R. Loader, D.L. Pyle  - Generic Management of Safety in Biotechnological Process Control, Technical Report RUCS/1999/TR/011/A, The University of Reading, Computer Science, 1999.

    I. Smarandache Transformations affines d'horloges: application au codesign de systèmes temps-réel en utilisant les langages SIGNAL et ALPHA, PhD Dissertation, Université de Rennes 1, France, October 1998.

    I. Smarandache, P. Le Guernic - A Canonical Form for Affine Relations in SIGNAL, INRIA Technical Report 3097, Rennes, France, February 1997.

    I. Smarandache- Algorithmes d'optimisation pour les systèmes massivement parallèles, MSc (DEA) Thesis, INP Grenoble, France, June 1994.

    I. Smarandache - Adaptation d'applications parallèles sur des réseaux de transputers T9000 simulés, BSc Thesis (Final year project), INP Grenoble, France, 1993.