TRAIAN 2.0 released on Feburary, 29, 2000

The VASY team is pleased to announce that the TRAIAN 2.0 compiler is
TRAIAN 2.0 is a compiler for LOTOS NT, a language very close to
the forthcoming ISO standard
This new version of TRAIAN brings many enhancements and new features.
In addition to many bug fixes (about 45), new functionalities have been
added, such as a C code generator for the data part of LOTOS NT.
The compiler has also been ported to new operating systems, including Linux 2.0 and Windows. TRAIAN 2.0 is now available for Solaris, SunOS, Linux, and
Several demo examples have been added, including an example showing
how a compiler can be constructed using a combination of
TRAIAN 2.0 is available for free download from the TRAIAN Web Page located at:
Mihaela Sighireanu,
Xavier Bouchoux,
Claude Chaudet,
Hubert Garavel,
Marc Herbert,
Bruno Vivien

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