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The CONVECS team is pleased to announce
that version 3.7 of the TRAIAN compiler for LOTOS NT is available.
TRAIAN 3.7 brings
four language changes,
four library changes,
ten static-semantics changes,
five code-generation changes,
and nineteen bug fixes
(see below their description).
TRAIAN 3.7 introduces various changes to the LOTOS NT language in order to further align it with the LNT language supported by the CADP toolbox. The LOTOS NT Reference Manual and the demo examples have been updated to reflect these changes.
traian_upc 2022-LOTNT-POINTER [<file> or <directory>]that will perform the following actions:
- variable X may be uninitialized - variable X never used - useless assignment to X - "in" parameter X modified (should be an "in var" parameter) - "in var" parameter X never modified (should be an "in" parameter) - "in var" parameter X overwritten before used (should be a local variable) - process with "out" parameter(s) but no normal termination - "out" parameter X both used and modified (should be an "out var" parameter) - process with "in out" parameter(s) but no normal termination - "out var" parameter X never used (should be an "out" parameter) - dead code after "raise" behaviour - loop label L never used - loop body is executed at most onceetc. See item 377 in the HISTORY.txt file.
event parameter PRINT never usedSee item 381 in the HISTORY.txt file.
- variable Y may be uninitialized - write-write conflict for variable X: X is assigned in the 1st and 2nd parallel branches - read-write conflict for variable X: X is modified in the 1st, 3rd, and 5th parallel branches but used in the 2nd, 4th, and 6th parallel branchesetc. See item 394 in the HISTORY.txt file.
process MAIN [PRINT: any] is var X, Y : BOOL in X := any Bool; if X then Y := not (X) else stop end if; PRINT (Y) end var end processThis program was rejected with an error message stating that variable Y was possibly uninitialized in PRINT (Y). From now on, such programs are accepted, as TRAIAN discards the "else" branch, since no execution can take place after "stop". See item 395 in the HISTORY.txt file.
process P [PRINT : any] (X : T) is case X var Y : nat in C1 -> PRINT ("C1") | C2 (any) -> PRINT ("C2") end case end processtriggers the following warning:
variable Y never usedSee item 397 in the HISTORY.txt file.
- dead code after infinite loop - dead code after "raise" and "stop" behaviours - dead code after "stop" behaviourSee item 399 in the HISTORY.txt file.
illegal behaviour in initialization of "for" loopSee item 400 in the HISTORY.txt file.
hidden event G never accessedSee item 401 in the HISTORY.txt file.
processes not yet fully implementedSee item 366 in the HISTORY.txt file.
/* generated by traian 3.7 */which prevents unintended deletion of user files that would be also named "*_f.h" or "*_t.h". See item 383 in the HISTORY.txt file.
channel C is (x1: INT), (x1, x2: INT) end channel ... hide G:C in G (0) end hideTRAIAN emitted the following error message:
event G used with incorrect type ... channel C cannot match the offer type: (NAT|INT)From now on, TRAIAN accepts the above code without errors, as the profiles of channel C are used to resolve overloading of constant 0, the type of which is either NAT or INT. See item 367 in the HISTORY.txt file.
trap exception E is return Y in for X := N while X -[E] M > 1 by X := X -[UNEXPECTED] M loop Y := X; use Y end loop end trapwhere variable Y is used in the event handler for event E, but could be uninitialized at this point, because E can be triggered from the "while" condition of the "for" loop (possibly before the first iteration), whereas Y is only initialized in the loop body. From now on, the events raised in the "while" condition of a loop are taken into account by the dataflow analysis. See item 371 in the HISTORY.txt file.
trap exception E is return X in eval P (?X); raise E end trapby reporting that X was not initialized in the event handler, because all variables passed as "out" parameters to a function without result (e.g., "?X" in the above example) were not taken into account when determining the variables initialized before an event is raised. See item 372 in the HISTORY.txt file.
trap exception E is return Y in eval Y := F [E] (!?X) end trapwhere variable Y could be used before being initialized in the handler for event E. From now on, the events raised in procedure calls are more finely analyzed. See item 373 in the HISTORY.txt file.
function F (in var X: BOOL) : BOOL is var Y: BOOL in for null while X by X := Y loop Y := false end loop; return X end var end functionwhere some variable Y was properly initialized in the body of a "for" loop and used in the "by" clause of this loop. See item 376 in the HISTORY.txt file.
function F (X : bool) : bool is var Y : bool in for null while X by null loop Y := true end loop; return Y -- not initialized if X is false end var end functionFrom now on, TRAIAN no longer assumes that the body of a "for" loop is executed at least once, which is not certain, and emits the following error message:
variable Y may be uninitializedfor the above example. See item 378 in the HISTORY.txt file.
function F : BOOL is trap exception Y is raise Y in ... end trap end functionSee item 379 in the HISTORY.txt file.
process P called with incorrect profile in behaviour P [E] the call uses process profile: P [none] but the called process has profile: P [any]See item 380 in the HISTORY.txt file.
event parameter E never accessedeven if E was used in the "raise" part of a "require" or "ensure" clause of the function where E was declared. From now on, pre- and post-conditions are taken into account when analyzing event parameters. See item 382 in the HISTORY.txt file.
event parameter E never accessedeven if an "access E" instruction was present. See item 384 in the HISTORY.txt file.
function F (out X:NAT, Y:NAT) : BOOL is loop if Y > 0 then loop null end loop end if; return false end loop end functionFormerly, only a warning was displayed:
function with "out" parameter(s) but no normal terminationFrom now on, a fatal error message is emitted:
function F may return without assigning parameter XSee item 385 in the HISTORY.txt file.
function F (out X : BOOL) is return; X := false end functionFrom now on, occurrences in dead code of assignments to "out" parameters are ignored, so that the above program triggers an error message of the following form:
function F may return without assigning parameter XSee item 387 in the HISTORY.txt file.
function F (X : BOOL) : BOOL is loop L in return not (X); break L -- (this is dead code) end loop end functionwith the following error message:
function F may terminate without returning a valueFrom now on, such programs are accepted by TRAIAN, as dataflow analysis no longer considers occurrences of "break" instructions in dead code. See item 388 in the HISTORY.txt file.
function F (X : NAT) : NAT is var X1, X2 : NAT in trap exception E is return X1 + X2 in X2 := 0; if X < 3 then X1 := 0; raise E else return 0 end if end trap end var end functionfor which TRAIAN 3.6 emitted an error message:
variable X1 may be uninitializedin the event handler. From now on, dataflow analysis for "raise" is aligned on the analysis for "break" intructions. See item 396 in the HISTORY.txt file.
function F1 (X : Bool) : Bool is var Y : Bool in loop L in if X then break L end if; Y := not (X) -- no more warning here end loop; return Y end var end function function F2 [E : none] (X : T, out Y : BOOL, Z : BOOL) is loop L in case X in NIL -> if Z then raise E else Y := false; -- no more warning here break L end if | any -> Y := true -- no more warning here end case end loop end functionSee item 398 in the HISTORY.txt file.
integer overflow detected: op "+"The implementation of the succ() and card() functions for these types have been updated accordingly. See item 405 in the HISTORY.txt file.
#ifdef lint ... #endifdirectives that caused Gcc 10 warnings. See item 406 in the HISTORY.txt file.
TRAIAN 3.7 can be freely downloaded from the TRAIAN Web Page located at: