David Champelovier's Homepage at INRIA
Important notice
I left INRIA in January 2008, so this page is probably outdated.
Please consult my personal web page for more accurate information:
About me

- Address:
INRIA Rhône-Alpes
655 avenue de l'Europe
38334 Saint Ismier cedex
- Email:
- David.Champelovier@inrialpes.fr
- Phone:
- +(33) 4 76 61 52 72
- Web:
- http://vasy.inria.fr/people/David.Champelovier
Current position
Since 2002, I am a Software engineer (Ingénieur Expert) in the
team at
INRIA Rhône-Alpes.
I am working on several software components of the
CADP toolbox.
In 2004, I participated to the design and implementation of the new
CADP website.
I also help the VASY members with using the computers and software.
Short Curriculum Vitæ
- 1997
- Scientific "Baccalauréat" (French secondary school diploma, equivalent to the A levels).
Passed with Very Good.
- 1997-1999
- Intensive undergraduate studies in advanced scientific technologies,
mathematics and physics for the competitive entrance exams to the
french engineering schools (Lycée Champollion, Grenoble).
- 1999-2002
- Diplôme d'Ingénieur en Informatique, equivalent to a
Master's Degree in Computer Science, Ecole Nationale Supérieure
d'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble.
Emphasis in Software Engineering. Passed with Good.
- 2002
- 6 months training period at XRCE (Xerox Research Centre Europe).
- Since Sept. 2002
- Software engineer at INRIA.
More details are available in my full resume.
See my personal homepage at
About this page
This page was updated on 2013/05/16 at 14:51,
and is W3C-conformant.