The VASY team is pleased to announce that the TRAIAN 2.2 compiler is
TRAIAN 2.2 is a compiler for LOTOS NT, a language very close to
the ISO standard
Since the release
of TRAIAN 2.0 in February 2000, TRAIAN has been intensively used.
In particular, the VASY team is
using TRAIAN with profit to develop four compilers:
- SVL 2.0 (Script Verification Language), a language for compositional
verification. The SVL compiler consists in 3200 lines of LOTOS NT code,
2200 lines of Bourne shell-script, and 1300 lines of SYNTAX and (hand-written)
C code.
- Evaluator 4.0, a value-passing model-checker that combines the
best features of XTL and Evaluator 3.0. Evaluator 4.0 consists of 6500 lines of LOTOS NT code and 7200 lines of SYNTAX and (hand-written) C code.
- NTIF, a high-level language for symbolic transition systems. It
includes a front-end, the NT2IF back-end generating a lower-level format, and the
NT2DOT back-end producing a graph format visualizable by AT&T's GRAPH package.
The NTIF compiler consists in 3600 lines of LOTOS NT code,
and 1600 lines of SYNTAX.
- Exp.Open 2.0, a tool that compiles networks of communicating
automata into types and functions of the OPEN/CAESAR
Application Programming Interface. The Exp.Open compiler consists in 5000 lines of
LOTOS NT code, 1600 lines of SYNTAX, and (hand-written) C code.
overview publication
on the use of TRAIAN for compiler construction has been
published in April 2002.
Version 2.2 of TRAIAN is a maintenance release. It fixes a few bugs in the compiler, includes new versions of the garbage collector library, and adds documentation in PDF format.
TRAIAN 2.2 is available for several platforms (Solaris, SunOS, Linux,
and Windows). It can be freely downloaded from the
TRAIAN Web Page located at: